The Future of the eIrish Revolution

Day 3,049, 13:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Cat Boyd

Published 13:30 on Day 3,049

My dear eIrish comrades,

One could say once the bourgeois Kunts were dethroned and we shook off the foreign eCroatian dictatorship that eIreland underwent a Revolution. The time since then has been a continuation of that Revolution - the longstanding goal of the ILP. Unfortunately they were not adequately prepared nor willing to dedicate the activity towards directing the Revolution. The Revolution was long overdue and because of this the ones who eIreland thought would lead the path towards liberation and socialism have led us into occupation and stagnancy. Noting their deficiencies earlier in this paragraph I must also note that they failed because they hadn't an ideology to keep their leaders accountable nor to guide their direction. It is clear that the Revolution needs new leaders and a new Party.

In a recent article, "Restore Ireland" by Sluagh, he clearly sees himself as a powerful contender in the coming Country Presidential race. This is true, no doubt, he carries considerable influence and backing judging by the mere votes of the article. He has promised military leadership, abolition of the Constitution, suspension of the Dáil, and "emergency powers" given to the Executive (Country President). In light of recent months this sounds appealing - the CP has been weak, the Congress has been dull, the Constitution has lost its authority, and we remain still occupied. He has fairly critiqued the current administration, but does that automatically warrant his Dictatorship to be legitimate and fair to the eIrish people?

The reformist and conservative ILP and the defunct Dáil certainly need to be thrown out. This I will not argue. But what we must not let happen is the Revolution move towards the Right. Sluagh has included a light dose of socialism in his platform - the community lotto and promotion of media with (rewards?) given to quality writers, but his platform seems a bit center-left. He has laid out some practical policies however which the current administration clearly lacks. He has said he will install a Dictatorship and tear down Congress, but what will he offer the people upon taking control? Will disempowering the Dáil help the inactivity in our nation that Sluagh wants to revive? Will his dictatorship merely become a dictatorship of new oligarchs, a new clique of players administering a war-torn wasteland? Or, I plead you, will it be accompanied with promises of revitalized social life and activity?

There have been concerns of how he will be held accountable if given these emergency powers and how to keep the public engaged in politics. We would recommend offering referendums, conduct public opinion polls, and consistent detailed reports published weekly. There are certainly some elements of bourgeois right-wing politics evident in Sluagh's platform, but if it could be met by promises of further left-than-ILP policies Sluagh may be endorsable.

Until Sluagh can show, with integrity, that he means to heavily invest more of his platform towards improving the social condition of our nation than the Revolution is doomed to move towards the right-wing nationalism that the eCroatians tried to instill in our consciousness. The legacy of Brian Boru, the Labour Party, the ILP before its ascension to power, all depends on who takes power next. Will they be elected or will it be seized? Will the eIrish Revolution move forward from ILP mismanagement or move backward by reactionary dictatorship? As Banists we will continue to advocate for a radical Revolution in eIreland and demand only revolutionary leaders in our government. It is possible, then, that if we are met with reactionary dictatorship next month...than a Banist dictatorship will become the inevitable solution to the liberation of eIreland.

We serve neither King nor Kaiser, but Ireland

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Comrade Cat