The End Of TWO / O Fim Da TWO

Day 2,248, 12:57 Published in Portugal Portugal by MagicTitans

Are a english version on the final.

Como ja podem ter visto a TWO tem vindo a causar problematica.
A Espanha e a UK ja estao em votaçoes para sair .

Tendo havido uma expulsao do Monstenegro dos canais da TWO , estamos a assistir ao mesmo que se passou com a EDEN , bastando a Espanha , Polonia , Servia e Hungria sairem que e o fim total da TWO .

A TWO nao corre perigo , a TWO esta morta , e brevemente ira ver o seu fim chegado , restara esperar pela proxima grande aliança.

English Version

As can already be seen TWO has been causing problematic.
Spain and the UK are already out in Polls.

Having been an expulsion of Serbia TWO of the channels, we are witnessing the same happened with EDEN, just Spain, Poland, Serbia and Hungary come out that the total order of TWO.

A TWO not in danger, the TWO is dead, and will soon see your order arrived, was left waiting for the next great alliance.