The Dawn of a New Era in eRepublik: Cold War

Day 1,653, 13:12 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

In real life, on August 6th, 1945, a new era in the history of the world began. An event close to our hearts here in eJapan, the bombing of Hiroshima...

A tragedy in all our hearts, yet perhaps viewed as a necessity to avoid further loss of life for some during World War II, the introduction of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction) at Hiroshima and three days later at Nagasaki changed war forever. It sparked the beginning of the East-West Cold War between the US and its NATO allies against the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies, a prolonged tension that lasted nearly half a century which would have a lasting impact on the world for years to come.

A history lesson, why was the Cold War called Cold? Well, this is due to the fact that despite the overwhelming tension between the two sides, not a single shot was fired directly. This was due to something called MAD, or Mutual Assured Destruction, brought about the nature of WMDs. If either side fired their weapons at the other, the other would follow suit, nobody could truly win in such a conflict, civilization would simply end as we know it today.

Why am I talking about this now? Well, today, on day 1,653, a dawn of a new era in the New World has begun, we now have highly effective Nuclear Missiles and bombs. In fact, the first nukes have already been launched.

Although this is currently billed as a temporary offer, I could certainly see Plato bringing this mechanic back into the game in the future, possibly permanently.

With this in mind, let me comment on the current eJapan/eROC situation. Despite the negotiations going on between us, tensions are currently running high between our two countries. Neither side can really declare the other as Natural Enemy, as whichever side makes the declaration will lose a substantial number of MPPs, along with the favor of TEDEN. With the introduction of WMDs, the outcome of a potential war is even more unpredictable. Thus...if no treaty is signed, I think we will almost certainly see our own Cold War, between Japan and the Republic of China.

It looks like we here in eJapan need to prepare for the worst and adapt to this new era. Thus, I propose that our government deliberate on a system to manage our Nuclear Weapons stockpile effectively for future conflicts. Nuclear weapons could be most effectively managed, in my opinion, by government control and deployment. eJapan could use a nuclear football.

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