The Choices: Premier Elections

Day 2,772, 02:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We are now voting on who we want dictator and apparently according to WHS Don Croata already won before a singe vote has been cast:

This is WHS

In fraction we all know Don Croata want to be overlord and the ruler of all including our armies:

"Lookz at me om playing with me toy soldiers - mom"

But in truth he has STIFF competition

This is An Slaugh

this is not krakken

This may also be a candidate

although I dont know which one:

In fact when people hear we are electing a dictator this may very well be their reaction:

Because we all now what happens when we leave a irishman in charge of a button

And this is usually the reaction!

So we better be very careful

Because after doing the calculating and rounding all the sums I came to the undeniable conclusion that there is only 1 candidate you should vote for.

So PERHAPS WHS is wrong ?

or not . Since its a multitude of votes coming in I guess a mean committee member could delete some of the votes by deleting the messages. I cannot see anything else besides multies allowing a person to vote more than once?

In fact I also suggest you put this as your background template when making your difficult decision: