Strength through our Union!

Day 2,779, 17:54 Published in United Kingdom Argentina by Lady Yehonala

Hello everyone!

Before I begin I want to say a big thank you to all of you who voted up, endorsed and commented on my first ever article. You made it a brilliant success and I am so grateful to you all.

But time waits for no one and there is an election coming and this is what I want to bring to the forefront here. In less than four days we will be choosing a new CP and the candidate list is looking interesting.

I will level you on this. This article is for the UKPP members really. Now many of you are unhappy with your candidate and I agree he is terrible. He tries to bully people in his own party and people he has never met for not supporting him. He has no diplomacy skills at all and is clearly not suitable to be President.

I would therefore like to ask you to vote differently. Oh yes you could vote for him out of blind loyalty which might see him take over but seeing how his leadership of the party has gone do you want that?

So I am asking to keep him out that this time you vote with the UKPR for Sir Humphrey Appleby. It may sound like a crazy idea for you to switch sides like this but until William is gone I believe we should unite the Right and use our votes to keep him out. You could vote for a third candidate of course but splitting the vote might not have the desired outcome.

One day William will be deposed and you can see the UKPP go in a better direction and then perhaps we can have reasonable debates supporting our respective parties but now lets unite the centre right.

When the time comes vote for Sir Humphrey Appleby and together we can defeat Mad pretender Willy!

Thank you everybody!!