Steps Forward, In the Right Direction

Day 1,877, 10:44 Published in Japan Japan by Boukun Suzaku

Id like to sincerely thank the people that PTO'd Sakurakai for finally beginning to integrate with our community. 🙂 The have changed their party name finally, and today Milutin Markovic joined us in IRC and was quite friendly. He asked some good questions that showed he was interested in learning more about the current situations in eJapan. This is a great step forward in my opinion, and was deserving of recognition and thanks.

I think Veprina's efforts are beginning to pay off. The other night he showed extreme patience and diplomacy while being bombarded in IRC with questions and accusations, but I think he might have finally begun to turn things around on both sides. If so, this is the start of something FANTASTIC for eJapan! Any and all steps that bring our community closer together and bridge the huge rifts we have right now should be encouraged and embraced.

So, in a rare moment of optimism, I will be the first to step forward and Thank Veprina and the members of the Constantine party for their efforts to reach out. I hope the people of eJapan take this olive branch and we can begin to move forward together. 🙂