State of Global Affairs

Day 1,593, 12:16 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove

Bulgreece is no more

It's been a long time since I've looked at the world, and I don't like what I see. Bulgaria & Greece, once identified as Bulgreece, is no more. At first I checked the map and found Greece occupying Bulgarian original regions, and I thought "well it must be a friendly swap." Nope. I checked Bulgaria's Mpps and they're ONE now.

I don't know what caused this more, Eden HQ fails, or Terra and Eden fails. President Oblige sided with Argentina over our own Terra member, as well as all the other country presidents except for Russia. We lost Chile to ONE as well as Bulgaria, and gained nothing in return.


Argentina & Chile

Argentina joined Eden. Our leaders sided with a non-terra member over a Terra member. We lost Chile, and gained nothing but hatred. I don't know who decided to put these guys in power, but your guys' global affairs is really bad. Like, really really bad. Russia is close to Bulgaria, so they're upset about how this whole thing is going down as well.

Fyrom to the Rescue

We're losing ground in Spain, as well is Brozil.

Fyrom is currently winning their RW in Spain, if we were smart, we'd set orders to win that RW for Spain and then take it from Spain, just saying. So then at least Fyrom is out of the area and it'd be one less problem for us.


-Lost Bulgaria as an ally
-Lost Chile as an ally
-Losing Spain
-Russia upset

On the surface, we, the USA may be doing ok, yes we have all our regions. But will that be enough in the coming months now that we've lost one of our strongest allies (Bulgaria) and our alliance has proven to be ineffective when confronted by external forces? We lost Chile, we are at risk of losing Russia, who will follow? I only hope the next generation of leaders think more long-term rather than appeasing short-term factors. The conditions are prime for a reversal of everything that has been restored. Choose a side and stick with it, even if we fall, at least we will have loyal allies.