Spread The Word

Day 3,683, 16:11 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by St0L3n1

Hello Readers

After a long time i decided to write something, this article will cover three points as below

1: Current Political Situation of ePakistan
2: My latest achievements
3: Huge prize distribution

So lets began ......

1: Current ePakistan Stituation

Recently Ahsan did a successful military coup in ePakistan, there are few article against and in favor of the recent Military coup. As a proud ePakistan citizen i have my own point of view on the said subject.

Before i move on let me clear one thing here Ahsan & myself are not eFriends, we are real life friends from last 18 to 20 years, so anyone who thinks that he/she can quote my words against him i like to tell them "PLEASE SHUT UP AND GET A LIFE"

Ahsan is running ePakistan from a long time now, it is due to lack of old players interest and activity most of us are on 2 click mode, in this situation everyone agree that Ahsan is best choice for ePakistan, however there is always an argument how he run things. Personally i am also not agreed how things are running in ePakistan as we don't do MPP or we are not getting into some real war etc etc etc ... but again i am not active so i can't argue because my political influence is ZERO in ePakistan.

Now back to the military coup, at this stage i totally support this coup and fought for the coup also, why i support this coup when i am not agreed with Ahsan way of running things? The answer is few days back i got message from current CP Aragorn Z which actually make me curious about him so i start following him. Let me share the message first.

You can easily guess the mental level of the guy, and you can jump on his profile you will get the idea that the guy is a simple medal hunter, let me show how this guy ignore everyone and run for medals just for himself.

So as you can see he is in all division in same round, hunting for BH medal, in this current situation we can't afford a MEDAL HUNTER as a country leader.

2: My Latest Achievements

In near past eRepublik celebrate its 10 year Anniversary, so i also decided to speed up things for myself, and by doing that i achieve few medals/tittle/rewards for myself

Prestige Hunter Medal

Elite Citizen Tittle

Shockwave Tank


I failed to gain my first Skyhero medal :'( .. I will get that EVENTUALLY 😛~~~

3: Huge Prize Distribution

So If you are reading thing part of the article then yes get ready for some awesome prizes, the prizes are also in three different category, i will explain to condition in last so read the below very very carefully.

a: Division I & II 15000 CC total (For ePakistan Citizen 10,000 CC & 200 Q7 Tanks & For rest of eWorld citizen 5000 CC)
b: Division III 10000 CC total (For ePakistan 7000 CC & for the rest of the eWorld citizens 3000 CC)
c: Division IV 5000 CC total (For all the eWorld cictizens 5000 CC)

So how the prize will be distributed i will make it very simple for everyone, as you can see i split prize in 3 category which is DIV I & II, DIV 3 & DIV IV. In category a & b we have separate prize for ePakistan citizens and the rest of eWorld citizen and in category c we have prize for all of eWorld citizens.

I will select 2 players (1 from ePakistan & 1 from eWorld) in category a & b and 1 player (from eWorld) in category c.

How you will participate?
Each citizen from ePakistan and rest of eWorld will post the comment in the below given sample format to participate in there respective category, and i will select randomly from them.

Sample Format for comment:
St0L3n1: https://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/6310299
Division: IV
Citizen: ePakistan
Comment: 1
Friendly Shout: https://image.prntscr.com/image/8gKQcwJGRx2M9nAIwTpfEw.png

To make it LARGE and more interesting for everyone there will be 1 more surprise prize for all the participants, if we reach 100 comments for this article then there will be surprise prize of 10000 CC for 1 player selected randomly from the comments. So what are you waiting for start shouting this article on your feed 🙂

NOTE: If anyone miss anything from the above given format will not be included in any prize.

That a All For Today
Proud ePakistan Citizen