Special extra storage offer! < demokratija!

Day 1,102, 18:38 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ludak021

Special extra storage offer!

We have removed the possibility to purchase extra storage separately. But to celebrate our 3rd anniversary we are offering starting this Thursday and for a limited time only, 1 month free extra storage with your next Gold purchase. You can visit the Gold and extras page to find out more about the offer. With extra storage you will be able to load up on supplies and there will be no stopping you for the next 30 days! Get in now: http://www.erepublik.com/en/get-gold/gold .

Your eRepublik Team

tako da djaci moji, privrednici, je*ite se. Nema stale ako ne platis za slamu. Ili jos bolje receno traktor. Tako je, traktor. Kupite traktor da bi imali vecu stalu...i slamu.

Ja sam im predlozio da ukinu trening ako se ne placa za traktor, makar na rate. Tako bi bilo fer. Mi bi ostali bez mesta u stali, bez ECU-a u traktoru, a oni bez musterija za traktor.

Trudili se ili ne, bunili se ili ne, ocekujte specijalno oruzje koje ce za 1.5 gold da ubija dva neprijatelja. Ne salim se. Video sam to u drugim igrma, videcu i ovde. Admin nije EDEN, admin je pro-dolar 😃