Serbian Hypocrisy

Day 1,198, 11:07 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by Sirbeg

I never thought I'd stop writing about Serbian arrogance and then I've been forced to switch to their hypocrisy. Who would've known?

Today a bunch of presidents signed some hippie "make love not war" agreement in which they demand from admin to make some changes or else they'll stop waging wars and thus decrease gold spending, which means less RL cash for the makers of the game.

I wouldn't say a thing about this if there weren't for some minor details in the agreement:

"-Enough of multi farming and illegal PTO of small nations"

"Signed by
Kistru - President of eSerbia
Koska de STRAH - President of eNew Zealand

Enough of illegal PTO of small nations? Really Serbia? Can you really be the ones that can say this? Should someone smack you in the head and remind you that you were the ones that PTOed almost every small nation there is? Well apparently someone has to remind them as my country just got rid of their PTO that lasted for more than a year and ended with total destruction of my country.

What's that? You don't do PTOes anymore? Well isn't Koska de STRAH a serbian PTOer in New Zealand? How the hell does a PTOer get to sign an anti-PTO petition? Hypocrisy, that's what it is.

Serbia, don't ask for stuff like this from admins and claim that they're ruining your game when you are the ones that ruined the game for more people than admins did. Ask any Bosnian about who ruined their game more Serbs or admins and let me tell you every one of them will say Serbs did.

Also, asking for world peace while you control non-core regions by force is also a hypocrite thing to do.

Oh don't worry, I'll talk about how your arrogance is destroying your country in my next article. Until then,

Hail admin!