Seisan for President (repost)

Day 1,289, 13:20 Published in South Africa South Africa by Seisan

Hello eSouth Africa!

It is with great pleasure that I announce my intent to run for CP...or should I say, your Supreme Overlord?

Yes, should you democratically elect me to be the new Ruler of eSA, there will be many changes that will take place.

The first of these changes will be the disbanding of the eSAAF and all MUs/militias. These shall be reformed into eSouth Africas new fighting force! The Grand Army of eSouth Africa!

With myself at the head the Grand Army, there would not be a force in all of eRepublik that could withstand our might!

And what better place to test this new army than on our old enemy, Indonesia!

For too long have these barbarians gone unchecked! For too long have they bullied our brethren in the Southern Hemisphere! But not any longer. I have been in talks with the Brazilian, New Zealand, and Australian governments and they are all ready to throw their full support behind this invasion. Even if I am not elected to be the next ruler, I shall still be behind the scenes, pulling away at the strings of my puppets. The liberation of eAustralia is inevitable! They will all burn.

I shall also dispense with most of Cabinet and abolish Congress! These meaningless positions do nothing but waste time on trivial matters that could all be accomplished quickly and more efficiently if every decision was purely made by me! Gone will be the corruption and greed! Only truth and justice will prevail!

This, people of eSouth Africa, is the beginning of greatness. This will be the first eSouth African Empire!

"So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause"

This is our time eSouth Africa. The time for you to unite behind me and achieve greatness! This is the time for Emperor Seisan to lead.

Oh, I forgot to mention...if you dont vote for me, all of you will be Order 66'd.