Scalping or how we are going to solve our Argentina problem

Day 2,795, 01:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Back in the old days there was a small wee country called eireland. eireland had a lot of friends it was friends with Can Ada come out and play and 51 shades of america (*states) and it had a friend in South America who was always drunk and wanted to fight the whole world with babies a certain A* Tina . YES Tina you are an Argen.

Not surprisingly eIreland was always the responsible one. Because everyone know the irish can hold their liquor. One do not combine coffees and whiskeys if you cant.

It was enemies with the yukkies then. So one day Chichichita sh* I meant Tina whsipered drukenly in a certain Mufc ear that she want to eff up the yukkies and all of their friends with her babies. Yo thats some gangster baby momma. So the whole of Irleand would attack their then enemies the yukkies. But you see Ireland is fighting in the flyweight division and as we landed to honorably fight the yukkies in walked a brute of a man Poland. Tina had just then landed. And she waggled half drunk into the ring with all of her babies. Im gonna she tried to say and then fell in love with Poland. And immediately hugged poor Poland and smothered him in kisses. And left with him in his covered wagon for somehwere poland for their honeymoon. So then after being beaten up for several weeks. the yukkies said here Ireland fook of to back from where you came.

Then for MONTHS eIreland was quite depressed and wrote all kinds of songs ome of which they send to Martha Wainwright


this part might be continues later....

Maths for pOliticians:

I have 6 jugs of water and you have 1 tree. Now if you take my 6 jugs for your tree and you promise to give me back one on condition I never fight again for the remaining 5 jugs because this will kill your tree.

How many jugs will I get back eventually?