Running for Congress In Florida

Day 641, 00:32 Published in USA USA by Daphne Lilac

Dearest eUSA and My Fellow Libertarians:

I am running for congress in Florida and my, what an interesting election this is! I can honestly say that I look to my fellow candidates and feel we will have a well rounded experienced congressional term ahead of us. We have had no end of complaints and tribulations these past few months in this war, but I feel that we do have talented individuals ready to step forward for their country in my esteemed colleagues and candidates this election.

I’m going to keep this short and sweet, my previous article was wiped out. My perspective regarding congress is this. I miss beta congress, we didn’t debate for twenty days and things got done. I will not spend eons of time in pissing contests in the congressional forums. I obviously consider making a decision about proposals seriously, and I review the evidence my colleagues put forth as well as gather opinions from my in game contacts and various fields to make my own decision. I believe in common sense and bipartisanship. I believe in civility with my other congresspersons and honesty.

I was in the peace treaty camp originally. I felt that a peace treaty would allow us to rebuild, continue to gain newer citizens and enable us to help out our allies long term. That seems to be a dead matter now and I’m fine with that. We can allow ourselves to be conquered completely or fight for each territory from our island bit by bit. I will sink with this ship and be here for our final stand if need be. I do not make lulzy proposals not even for XP. I respect our public and hope to serve the Eusa public for the betterment of our country.

The inevitable what have I done section/resume. I’ve served in congress about four times (maybe five lol), I am a former Vice President, Chief of Staff, General in the military. I’ve always been involved with government during my active periods (I went inactive for a few months).

Daphne Lilac
Party President
The Libertarian Party