Rolo Tahmasee - CP - July 2010 - Platform and VP

Day 954, 02:30 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee

I am proud to announce that Addy Lawrence has accepted the position of Vice President in my Administration. With Addy's vast knowledge and experience, He will be a tremendous and valuable asset to myself and a benefit to the eCanadian People.

Economic Platform

My economic principles and viewpoints have changed since my first term in congress, and it has a lot to do with the following work done by congressman AR1ARX

If any of you have taken the time to read this fantastic analysis and proposal by AR1ARX, It would show you a great basis for economic policy in the Game-Play aspect of erepublik

In short

- It calls for a 60% import tariff to hold from runaway domestic prices (closed economy)
- A level playing field for industry in regards to income taxes
-Government intervention when need be, in the market to quell demand and stabilize prices, via a competition bureau, reviewing key economic indicators

And upcoming in Stage 3, as AR1ARX and I have discussed, a framework for the operational guidelines for Crown Corporations (Ministry of Industries) which will provide detailed goals and expectations of how these businesses are to operate in the domestic and international markets. this is the main framework for my opinion change in reference to tax policies,(I am now very much in favor of a closed economy) it uses the Crown Corporations and Competition Bureau in leau of low import taxes to regulate and provide fair prices to the average eCanadian citizen

In addition, if elected I intend to move forward on the proposal by my Vice President Addy Lawrence of the "Little Man Bonds" This is a bond program for low level citizens to engage in the purchasing of Government bonds for their benefit.

When I was a new citizen, There were War Bonds, which, due to my newness to the game made me think "Shady - no way!, but I would like to grow the confidence in new players of these programs and help them out financially along the way as well

Domestic Platform

This is a platform, where I do not have exact specifics, but more of a policy or idea...

I will attempt to do things rather than not do things, If there is a chance to make the game more interesting, I will generally push for it. I am not in the camp that believes we are here simply to work, train, and then log off. If anything comes across my desk that will allow eCanadians to become more engaged and increase their involvement in the game, expect me to support it

Military Platform

Increased Support for the CAF

Increased Support for Private Militia's

Why do we need these things?

Have you played V2 Beta yet? - Well I have and to be honest, I am so grateful I already have my Battle Hero Medal because it will be my last one. Gone are the days, where an average citizen like me can go in and apply my damage and add to the fight easily and quickly

In the future, we will need DEDICATED soldiers, the ones that can currently be found in the private militias and in the CAF. These battles will need to be co-ordinated and they will have to be done by soldiers willing to spend a lot of time doing their job for the betterment of eCanada, and they will need our support

In regards to the current war with eFrance and the open MPP's, I will say this, I will close this war. If you have heard that somewhere before, then I re-iterate, as CP of eCanada, if a reasonable offer is presented to end the War with eFrance, I will ensure that it ends. If for no other reason than it seems like a complete waste of time and resources.

tl;dr version

Vote for Rolo on July 5th,

more to come..

Rolo Tahmasee
CEP Vice Party President
CEP Congressman
CP Candidate July 2010