RL Political commentary

Day 1,430, 05:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronan Donovan

Well the only thing really in the news atm is ofc the Irish Presidential election which will take place a week from today on October 28.Here is my take on the 7 candidates.

Mary davis
Quango queen.Mostly just living off one past glory which was the 2003 Special Olympics.Stands no real chance.She'll be spared last place by Dana though.Shocking airbrushed posters btw 😃

Sean Gallagher
A successful entrepreneur who made his riches in a company called Smarthomes and then became well-known due to the popular TV show Dragon's Den.I initially saw his candidacy as a joke but now have warmed to the idea of him being president.Is certainly one of the current frontrunners.You certainly can't declare him OUT! 🙂

Michael D Higgins
He has been the frontrunner for most of the campaign but has now fallen behind gallagher.Seen as a true statesman and would represent everything that is good about Irish culture.He's poet and former member of the government as minister of the arts and culture in the 90s.Has a great chance but is still lagging behind atm.His main problem is his age.

Martin McGuinness
Deputy First Minister in Northern Ireland and a significant member of sinn Féin.Controversial candidate due to his former membership of the IRA.Was recently confronted by the son of an army officer killed by the IRA.This will greatly harm his campaign but he still has massive support.Won't quite win but will give it agood shot...if you pardon the pun!

Gay mitchell
Another former minister and former Dublin Lord Mayor too.Is an MEP and is the candidate for ruling party Fine gael so he should be performing well if not winning it.However,his support has been very poor and he llooks like lagging away behind.He has made some gaffes in the election including referring to the "22 counties",calling for Ireland to return to the commonwealth and getting really angry when asked if he was just aiming to get his expenses back.Won't be amain challenger imo 🙂

David Norris
Famous homosexual politician who is well-known for his gay and civil rights campaigning as well as being a well-known fan of James Joyce.Was originally a front-runner but his campaign has been harmed by controversial letters of clemency he wrote.He did pull out and then returned but he would have been better off not re-entering the race.He is also lagging behind and his campaign looks in real trouble.

Just a complete joke.Ran before in 1997 and lost out and will again.Her campaign has been a disaster and has recently also been ravaged by controversy and farce.Was involved ina car accident yesterday too.Very bizarre!Doesn't have a hope.This sums here up:
Dana's campaign