RFA: The protracted and theatrical case of an identity crisis

Day 888, 09:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Humphrey Appleby

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RFA threatens to become even more aimless than the Social Democrat Party.

After an appalling loss of gold on adverts to an equally appalling article, the British public were once again subject to the inanity of the RFA and a clear demonstration of their sheer incapacity to work out who they are or what they stand for.

Average Spectrum member conference

Not only was the clear lack of enthusiasm and/or direction in RFA obvious, it was the draining of party funds on a pointless advertisement of a pointless date that led to the pointless reassessment of themselves which resulted in a spectacular flop in their new Party name: Spectrum.

Ironically, this is an incredibly lifeless and boring logo probably drawn up at the last minute

As has been frequently commented on over the many traumatic eyars of the RFA, what exactly is their point? To unite people of all ideologies and cultures, to bring about a collective and pragmatic view: this allows a unique perspective on British politics. In other words, they as a party agree they cannot make their minds up.

Confuse a Cat ltd.

So what is their grand design as a party? To unite capitalists and communists under one sovereign banner? To allow despots and democrats to make out under the setting sun? To compare Stalin to Thatcher and concede they were both good blokes?

You decide.

-Sir Humphrey Appleby, MP for Yorkshire & Humberside