Results of the Lottery

Day 1,398, 09:16 Published in USA USA by xDavidx

The final result of the lottery has been decided and the very lucky winner is Calbe from New Zealand!

Calbe has expressed interest in using it for upgrading one of his weapons companies. I can not think of anything more suitable than using it to make yourself more sustainable and money.

He has graciously picked the national bank of New Zealand to receive half of the winning price as a gesture pf gratitude for his country.

One interesting question i was asked while running this lottery was brought up by Savonrepus a long time player from Australia.

"Do you think that the best way to win an award for journalism here is to do it via selling the dream of winning the lottery?"

To this philosophical he asked I will have to answer in a manner that takes the question literally. From a practical manner selling the dream of winning a lottery is the easiest way to win a Media Mogul medal as the effort needed is far less than writing hundreds of great articles. But if you look at it from a standpoint of a writer it is the last thing you want to do as you have to prove to yourself that your in fact better than the next writer down the line. I hope this answers your question.

Former Lottery Runner