Recipe for New Zealand

Day 2,599, 17:13 Published in New Zealand Ukraine by piggy sev

As I mentioned before, there is a very limited scope of actions that can be applied in order to fix the population problem in New Zealand due to the deteriorated game mechanics. Nonetheless here is my proposal to retain players that do join.

1. Create a Military Academy with a commander - this can be done as a regiment within the New Zealand Army. It is fairly easy and can be done within few minutes. First off, the MU needs to be open for everyone to join. (I've already contacted that President to help me out with this. The commander of the MU seems to be somewhat inactive)

2. Look up quality guides. There is no need to create new guides. They are already there. Other english-speaking countries such as the US and Britain have already created these guides.

3. Include in the presidential message the instructions to join the Military Academy and links to game guides. That way the player is busy for the first few days.

4. Offer noobs aid packages of basic weapons and food. Encourage noobs to join politics. It is probably the only module that still works and is interactive within the game.

Hopefully the current administration supports this initiative with action.