Really Plato?

Day 2,576, 06:22 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier

The problem with the new update

As some of you may know as you logged in this morning, there have been a couple of recent changes with the economy system in Erepublik. No longer shall you receive gold for earning TP, M or FF medals. Instead you will earn 1000cc. While the Erepublik labs claim that this is a method if fixing the economy and helping new players, I personally believe that it is a mechanism to increase the flow of products and increase the value of gold.

Giving players currency instead of gold would make the player more likely to spend it. Gold is somewhat of a rarity, and when people have it, they tend to hold on to it. This will ultimately flood the market with currency. Given the reduced supply of gold (yes, I am bringing in the laws of supply and demand), but still a similar demand, this will cause gold prices to jump exponentially. Already, in the last couple of hours since the update we have seen a 25% jump in price from just around 200cc to 240cc. The prices will ultimately continue to rise.

I also predict that the flow of Q7 weapons will go up, as the price jumps between Q5, Q6 and Q7 weapons reflect their actual demand. Already Q7 weapons prices have increased by just around 1.20cc. While this is good for those who get paid in tanks, not everybody does. I don't believe that the demand for Q1-Q6 weapons will go up, but with this extra influx of currency, I don't see their prices going up anytime soon either.

And so, I shall end this article with my conclusions about the latest update. The goalds (haha sorry) of Erepublik labs are most definitely not to help lower level players, nor are they to fix the economy.

I believe that they are to reduce the ability of non-gold buyers to earn gold normally. A non-gold buyer could average at about 17 gold earned per month** (**Provided all earned currency is put towards gaining gold, see calculations at end of article*😉 on HW and SS medals alone. In the end, the ploy here is to force players to put their hard earned real life money towards buying gold packs instead of waiting it out. In conclusion, I'd like to ask a question; in a game where activity is already dying, must we really make the game even more unattractive?

Hard worker medal = 5 gold every 30 days (.16 gold per day)
Super Soldier medal (w\ Q2 training centre) = 5 gold every 22 days (.23 gold per day)
Salary (43cc) @200 CAD per gold = 1 gold every 5 days (.2 gold per day)
TOTAL = .59 gold per day