Pulse 1.1.23 (and egov4you back again)

Day 1,550, 08:31 Published in Serbia Poland by Almirante Cjhurruca

You can now download version 1.1.23 of Pulse extension, for both Chrome and Firefox.
There have been changes in the military module that made Pulse not being able to capture the kills properly. This version fixes that.

As always, you can download it from http://egov4you.info/Pulse/

On the other hand, you may have noticed that egov4you was down for some days, and Pulse data was not available there.
The reason is server hosting the web page has been upgraded.
Now all should be ok 😉


Almirante Cjhurruca

PS: Pulse data will be available in egov4you as soon as sync between intermediate server and egov4you is restablished

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