Presidential Review

Day 2,140, 11:20 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

As requested by Waysted in my previous articles comment section. The topic today is the last five Presidents of the eUSA.

Mood Music

A Look at the last 5 Presidents of the United States

Who he beat in elections: Stef40 & Ronald Gipper Reagan/Ajay.
Numbers: 1421-737 & 1604-950
What I know about Vanek: He loves himself some Link, his motto is Vanek is Victory. Vanek is regarded as a military mind with in the game. He served two terms over the months of March and April.

Personal Thoughts: I don't think I've had any real interactions with Vanek, though in small scale before I ever saw his avatar at full size, I used to think it was a parrot.

Personal Ranking: 3rd
Who she beat in elections: R.G.R.
Numbers: 1644-706
What I know about Artela: The first repeat from the past of this set, as Artela previously served as President in Spring 2012. She's a Brit, media related functions at times, and hard working enough to get elected to the position.

Personal Thoughts: It's a mixed bag on Artela, she seems nice at times, but at other times not so much, yes you can say this about nearly anyone, but my biggest problem is eNPR related stuff; maybe she personally didn't play rude sounds while a guest tried to speak, but she certainly did nothing to stop it. She's been President 3 times in the US, back to back terms in Spring 2012 and May of 2013.

Personal Ranking: 5th
Who he beat in elections: Free Area
Numbers: 1290-814
What I know about Tenshibo: Long time state department worker, involved in South Africa as well. Worked during the gang attack by two on the states[June].

Personal Thoughts: He was my boss for 5 months as I was an ambassador, originally helped me get into South Africa the first time around, um we've had a few disagreements, but what I'll give him points for his the end of his term in which his administration did it's best to clean up some things for the next President.

Personal Ranking: 4th
Paul Proteus
Who he beat in elections: Zeng999
Numbers: 1247-584
What I know about Paul: Article Writer, Classy, in all a 3 time CP, party hopper, his term in the US came in July, the highlight end of term RW wins for his administration.

Personal Thoughts: I love Paul, his blimp and reading his articles. Paul has always been one of my favorite players in this game.

Personal Ranking: 1st
Who he beat in elections: NewAzazel & bigcdizzle+R.G.R.
Numbers: 728-531 & 746-426-315
What I know about Oblige: In total 6 time President, 4 in a row from Dec 2011 to March 2012 and August and September 2013. Wiped Spain. Paid or Pays for eNPR. Loves Stuffed Bears, and Whales, hates writing articles.

Personal Thoughts: Oblige is nuts, no disrespect, but he's nuts. Overall I like him, for being one of the first Presidents to hang out in my parties IRC back in the day, and the Spain wipe.

Personal Ranking: 2nd
Closing Notes
I only listed candidates who received more than 300 votes, no disrespect to other candidates on the election ballots. Thanks for Reading.