Presidential Elections are Coming up

Day 1,444, 17:18 Published in USA USA by Kooguy

Day 1,437 of the new world
November 2 2011
Current Subscribers to Paper: 117
Goal by End of November: 140

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Presidential Elections
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The Feds

Presidential Elections
It's that time of the month again! The elections are coming up on the fifth. The main two running right now are Leroy Combs and GoalieBCSC. In my opinion Leroy will win easily. There are a lot of Goalie supporters out there, but Leroy Combs has finished first in the Congressional Elections for a few months in a row. This proves how popular he is, and how many fans he has.
I myself have not yet decided who to vote for. My gut is Leroy, but Goalie's cabinet is so well rounded.

I have a belief that some other people might share. That is that I don't believe the President has a huge impact on how things go. I think that as long as we have a decent leader we will be fine. It is inevitable that we will be wiped, so I think we should just have fun this month. Basically, there are two great candidates, so it shouldn't be too bad of an invasion to endure.

Musts Reads you aren't Reading
Well other than mine there are plenty of other newspapers that are growing fast, but still aren't getting the credit they deserve. I'd like you to check out these two papers. Don't be offended if I don't include yours, especially if your newspaper is very successful (Meet the Press, 16 Shells, etc.)

1. Revolutionary Times- Run by Cody Caine, who is a friend of mine. Currently has 125 subscribers. Cody generally talks about news in the eUSA, and informs everyone about his radio show, his party, and his military unit. It never disappoints.

2. The After Action Report- It is an invasion update newspaper run by Chris Hartman. You'll find the latest information on the current invasion of America. Oh, did I mention I work for it?

These are definitely two of my favorite newspapers. I don't think they get the credit they deserve. I guess you have to climb the ladder in this game.

Federalist Party
Where is the fun at? It's with the feds. You've heard all about the P/H stuff that goes on around here, but I'd like to reinforce some of those statements.

The forum is extremely active. It shows us as a whole community. The IRC room (#fedpartychat) is also very active. The party is much more than just an organizaion, we are a tightly knit group of people.

The current PP is CivilAnarchy. If you'd like to see the rest of the staff you can find them here . You may see all of the people that say "Fed4lyfe" or "P/H 4ever" or something like that. I would like you to know that we are much more than that. The party may only have a few more than 300 members, but there are some very important members here.

For example, in Leroy Comb's cabinet there are seven people. Two of them are Feds. In Angelini's cabinet there are five people, three of them are Feds.
As you can see, we are some of the most active and fun people t obe around.

I hope to see you on the forums soon!
Urbandictionary word of the day: Mung, the one thing worse than genocide


to these newspapers

Revolutionary Times
16 Shells
Hell Jumper
Meet The Press
Voice of America
Chae Dee Business
As G as it Gets
DOD Orders
The Allied War Report
After Action Report (I work for that paper)
Newbies Check These Out
Bewbs for Newbs
Meals on Wheels
Goodbye fake America.