Poor Decisions and Those That Make Them

Day 3,077, 19:50 Published in USA Serbia by Adolphus Broadnax

As my fans know, I don't believe there is such a thing as "stealing" a Battlefield Hero medal. Either you earn it or you don't. I also don't mind people coming to take medals away from me before I can earn them. You do so at your own risk.

Meet "Vox Awesome", a gentleman who thought he could take me on.

I'd put up around 40 million damage in the USA battle against North Korea's resistance force in Pyongan. It was late in the battle and I had no reason to expect an interloper in the midst.

That's when I check back and see that "Vox Awesome" has put up just under 50 million damage.

I got up to around 60 million damage and waited to see if he would be stupid enough to keep going. Yep.

He started doing more damage, so BAM! I kicked it up a notch and started swinging like Tyson in his prime. "Vox Awesome" used a lot of energy bars to refuel and used somewhere between 20 and 30 big bombs and a few small bombs. I used largely food but ended up munching on some candy. I kept extra from Halloween for just this type of occasion.

When the dust settled, the final score was:

Don't bother trying to take a BH from me, "Vox Disappointment". I'll rain hellfire and pain down on you so fast you'll think you were in a time warp. I'll give you one thing, though: true to your profile, you definitely burned out on that one.

AB out.