Day 1,716, 11:02 Published in Albania Albania by jonkastrioti

Dear admin one question ?? how you can decide for my country for my personality its not right you to decide for our country we are in play not you we make a decition look what erepublik players say can not decide some admin for all players in erepublike its not right !!! you want to say we are living in dictatorial erepublik ? you shud make a decition what all players want not what you want .

2012/8/1 Game support (eRepublik) <>
Hello citizen,

Thank you for your message!

The position of Kosovo in our game was decided by our players by voting and the majority decided that Kosovo should be part of Serbia. This is something that cannot be changed!

Your eRepublik team

Can you please rate my answer to your ticket? 1 2 3 4 5
(1 = very bad, 2 = pretty bad, 3 = medium, 4 = pretty good, 5 = very good)

Ticket History
jonkastrioti (Client) Posted On: 31 Jul 2012 5:27 PM

Dear admin I am from Kosova and in real life Kosova is independent we are state and we want to play in this play for our country 🙂 to be proud in this game to be proud for our contry 😉 I like very much your game and want to continue to play but for Kosova
I think you will understand me
thank you for understanding


Ticket Details

Ticket I😨 BSJ-280238
Department: Game support
Priority: High
Status: Closed