Pause For Peace

Day 2,427, 08:24 Published in Serbia Iran by Holy of Persia

Pope Francis invites us to ‪#‎PAUSEforPeace‬ today. Before, during, or after the World Cup Final take a moment to pause and pray for peace in our world.
This is the Pope's prayer in today's Angelus:
“Lord help us! Give us your peace, teach us peace, guide us towards peace. Open our eyes and our hearts and give us the courage to say: “never again war!”: with war all is destroyed! Give us the courage to perform concrete gestures to build peace. Make us available to listen to the cries of our fellow citizens who ask us to transform our arms into instruments of peace, our fears into trust, our tension into forgiveness. Amen”.
Will you join Pope Francis' prayer today?

go go

with this hashtag on fb and twitter
