Pancake Tuesday!

Day 2,646, 10:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Tara C

Today is Shrove Tuesday, better known as Pancake Tuesday!

This day is a great day because Pancakes are delicious!
It happens the day before Ash Wednesday which is the start of Lent. Lent is where we give up something we like or we take on a new hobby or something for 40 days, until Easter Sunday.

Mmm pancakes!

It's also known as Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday, and there are lots of other names for it too.

Now for me, I used to always only put butter and sugar in my pancakes, it's yummy! But now I also like to have Nutella and Marshmallows in my pancakes!

What do you guys have in your pancakes? and let me know what you call Pancake Tuesday where you're from, in the comments!

Now I'm off to make some pancakes 😛