Os Limites da Expressão

Day 842, 14:15 Published in Brazil Brazil by Humberto Miranda

Caríssimos leitores,

esta é a primeira edição de O Pentagrama e como é de praxe para o seu editor, a abordagem de um assunto notóriamente polêmico é algo irresistível, assim como um chopp absurdamente gelado acompanhado de uma porção de amendoins. A querela orbita a questão de liberdade de imprensa neste ePaís.

Como muito bem colocado pelo Ilustre compatriota Orthos Eihei, o contrato firmado entre cada eMembro e os eAdmins deste universo é norteado em regras de conduta. A Lei do Cidadão é bastante clara em seus 3 primeiros artigos (essa é para os preguiçosos):

1 All citizens are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

1. Every citizen has the right to choose what company to work for and to receive a payment in exchange for his/her work.
2. Every citizen has the right to choose if he/she will participate in a fight or not.

2 No citizen should oppress another citizen.

1. Racism, extremism, trolling, flaming and pornography are prohibited.
2. No insult, public accusation without proof, or indirect attack on a citizen are allowed.

3 Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking amendments 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2)

1. No vulgarity, insult, spam, or advertising for external products or services are allowed.
2. Quotation of private discussion without the consent of those parties involved is prohibited. If a citizen reports a quotation of a private discussion, it goes without saying that the action has not been approved by the reporting citizen.

Após a indicação desta Lei pelo Ilmo. Orthos Eihei, o mesmo aponta a definição de SPAM adotada pelos eAdmin. A saber:

Spam is defined as any incoherent text, or lack of text itself, or text copied from another source that serves no other purpose than to flood the media in order to keep other articles from being seen.

The following actions ARE considered spam:

* transmitting any unsolicited, unauthorized materials or any other form of solicitation that ERPK Web considers in its sole discretion to be of such nature;
* posting comments which are not related to the conversation;
* posting articles or topics of real world events not directly related to eRepublik;
* multiple posting of topics or comments in a short period of time, and publishing duplicate articles;
* posting material that is not authored by the publisher himself or herself;
* posting of articles of irrelevant nature that are flooding the news module (for example: Playboy-like articles);
* posting article and article comments in order to advertise products or companies;
* promoting an article by publishing multiple articles in one or more countries having the same subject or linking to the promoted article;
* lottery / betting articles.

The following actions ARE NOT considered spamming:

* posting articles in a language that is different from the language of the country in which the article is published;
* creating content which contains poems, humor, jokes or irony, as long as the content is respecting the other eRepublik Laws.

Desta forma, Ilustres novos leitores, a imprensa tem total liberdade de publicar poemas, piadas, críticas, aconselhamentos, opiniões e etc. Desde que respeite os pré-requisitos acima listados.

Na dúvida, faça como este editor. Reflita que Neo é apenas uma palavra em Latim que significa novo e que, assim como nunca ninguém viu a cabeça de um bacalhau, estranhamente ninguém nunca fez uma pílula vermelha.

Até a próxima edição.
(que poderá existir ou não)