
Day 1,735, 22:13 Published in Ireland USA by Raven Anarcho

Since the last issue, Global affairs have cooled down some. This may seem more dull to a few, but it actually leaves eIreland with plenty of opportunity. The US and Canada have called for peace, Australia has regained it's entire continent from Indonesia, and Mexico has gained back a few territories as well.


Those words definately crossed minds when Canada once again clashed with the UK a few days ago. Now that eCanada isn't fighting an uphill battle, it can focus on an enemy it's far too familiar with, while Ireland stands suspiciously neutral.


Recently, GloveisLove (eUS president) gave eAmericans a chance to choose who the US would go to war with. While Canada gained quite a few votes, Indonesia took the cake... and an invasion shortly after. Time will tell which one of these giants will be able to hold out, both with multiple items on their plates. Will this attempt by GloveisLove be a success, or a regret?


There is no doubt that the war between the US and Canada helped Mexico greatly in regaining it's territories, just as the war with Indonesia has helped Australia. This proves a point I have mentioned before: No one country can handle too much. This sounds like common sense, however people do not consider this when looking at possible campaign outcomes. Alliances are weak at the moment. Each country is fighting their own battle. This leaves plenty of opportunity for eIreland.


I will be running for congress in this upcoming term. There are only so many goals I can hope to accomplish if I were to gain a seat. I will not compromise the opinions I have, nor will I reverse any view until I gain an opportunity to run again.
I will do what I can to help Ireland grow in population and strength.
I will not support any alliance with the UK at the moment.
I am not a large supporter of EDEN, yet I understand the little security it brings to Ireland. Until leaving the alliance gains more support, I will support EDEN relations.
I support and respect Mexico and Australia for their recent resistance successes, and I will make any decision to strengthen ties to either of the two.


Other than running for the upcoming elections, I have been moving around alot lately. I have fought in Mexico, Australia, the UK (Irish Resistance) and will continue focusing my support for Canada in their newest conflict next door.


"Go on. Get out! Last words are for fools who never said enough." - Karl Marx

The Irish Radical issue #4