Once more, I'll do my best!

Day 640, 20:16 Published in Japan Japan by Sophia Forrester

Today I signed up to run again for Congress. Since the TFC is no longer in the Top 5, I am running this time with United Lolis of Japan. I really admire the Loli spirit and enthusiasm, and I am glad to be a member even for only a short while.

To get into the spirit of it, I adopted a loli avatar through the magic of photo editing, I mean cosplay. Feels good to be younger! (Although the character pictured in my usual avatar is only supposed to be 19... but what can I say, I'm mature for my age? The picture always looks older to me.)

Anyway, I am looking forward to representing Kyushu again in Congress. Last month, Kyushu was on loan to Indonesia during the elections, so I ran in Chubu instead. I did my best to represent Chubu fairly and be a responsible Congresswoman. I was active in the Congress forum and spoke my mind and heart in open debate. There were no truly controversial votes this month, but I feel my voice helped push change forward all the same. Organizing immigration, and writing a Constitution for eJapan, are two areas where I spoke up to ensure that normal citizens are not forgotten or left out, and while neither of these are finished yet they both seem to be headed for a good result.

In a way, it's a relief that there's not been much controversy. The Kyushu loan, at first presented to us as a wargame, was revealed after the vote as a ploy to give Indonesia a staging ground to conquer Hawaii. That is the past and I don't mean to dwell on it. Honorable citizens with strong principles argued both for and against. But here in Kyushu, the damage caused by wargames is beginning to heal. Shrubs sprout on the hills near the shore. It will not be long before this is the home I remember.

So, I ask for your vote. Not because I am "experienced" or "qualified" to be a member of Congress. I don't claim that experience has to make someone a better representative. Neither do I claim that I can speak for the people of Kyushu alone. Having been this island's Congresswoman twice before does not mean I always know what everyone wants.

But I promise to listen, and to share, and to speak with you all about what I would like to see in Kyushu and eJapan. I promise to keep the interests of the whole country in mind, without ever letting the needs of Kyushu be ignored. I promise to treat everyone who contacts me with respect, and to give the others' concerns equal weight with my own. And I promise to work, in small ways each day, to make a little bit brighter of a future for the New World.

I can't be sure I'll succeed. My hopes light the way to a future, but it's up to all of us, not just me, whether we get there in the end. All I can say is this: Once more, I'll do my best.

May the best candidate win. 🙂 Ganbatte ne!