On Communes. On the Irish Army.

Day 2,084, 16:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes

There are two good articles in the press that are not getting the attention they deserve. Partly this is down to the authors not wishing to promote their articles, and partly down to the subjects not being of great interest to your average citizen.

This is a great shame, because you all should take an interest in these seemingly tedious issues of taxes, communes and the economy. You can catch these articles here:

Kaptain Kidd writes about treasury and taxes: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/taxes-responsibility-and-common-sense-2300733/1/20

Mary Robinson asks a pertinent question about communes here: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/prevailing-wage-vs-commune--2300800/1/20

I'm going to combine these issues in the light of recent changes to the military module. You should all be aware of what these changes are. But before we go there we need to deal with some very simple basic facts.

First. No matter what the admins do, with the exception of finite energy bars, all of us are restricted in that we can only recoup 2400 energy per day. Well duh. Furthermore, because few of us take this game seriously enough to put matchsticks in our eyes, the maximum realistic energy you can recover is 2200.

Second. If we use Q7 weapons for damage purposes, then we'll need 22 Q7 weapons to get us through the day successfully or approximately 220IEP. We'll conveniently ignore the food required and the variable requirements we all have with our training regimes.

Third. That in order to fund this deficit we need gainful employment.

This can take three forms. The first is where you work for somebody and receive a cash benefit. Typically this is about 10 IEP per day. I don't recommend this. Second option is to work in your MU commune. Unfortunately, many communes utilise outside merchants, typically this will mean you get paid up to 4Q7 to 7Q7 weapons per day.

In Ireland we have one hell of a commune in the Irish Army. Because James Keiller runs our commune in Serbia (of all places - but we need the 10/10 bonuses) and operates a not-for-profit business, we all get 10Q7 shiny weapons every day. Trust me on this, we are very much the exception to the rule.

OK - so here's the moderately interesting bit. The changes to the military module with MU combat orders now allows us to earn enough money to cover our day-to-day costs depending on your damage output. For myself, if I got a full run of combat orders I'll generate something like 320IEP.

So I have a set of proposals.

Firstly, where possible, we should prioritise the DO's that include combat orders. Obviously, this should have MPP priorities or at worst, countries we feel we have something in common with. For example, I am currently stationed in Russia and can avail of either a 40 or 30IEP offer from Chile to fight against Argentina, with no travel costs, something I am only too happy to oblige.

Secondly, that the present commune system is now broken and needs to be modified to take into account combat orders. Therefore I recommend that certain IA members who are exceedingly active in D3 and D4 have their daily Q7 reward changed. It is my belief that while the 10Q7 rebate should still be given, that these players should donate a percentage of their IEP earnings to the MU via the donation button.

Thirdly, that this money should be used for vital campaigns defined by the MoD where the IA will use these proceeds to fund damage to influence the war. Typically this would be RW's for Ireland, or vital campaigns for our MPP's. This very visible assistance to our allies would bring more kudos to the IA and our country that a month's worth of words and diplomacy.

To give an example, if I was to give 100IEP per day to the MU org it will work out at 3000IEP at the end of this month. If we can get 10 members - asking a lot I know - to contribute in a similar fashion, then we'd have 30,000IEP sitting in our org account at the end of a month. At 40IEP per million in D4, this would buy us 750m damage in a campaign of our choice.

The neat bit, is that quite a lot of this money will be repatriated to Irish citizens fighting in this same campaign. It really would be a win/win situation.

So what say you?