Oceans and Tides

Day 2,632, 17:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by General Levy

"I am not dead", the great ocean thought,"they do not notice, but I am not dead".
The ocean glanced up at the moon, indifferent to its misty light, and asked "Oh you moon, you pathetic moon, why do you keep me calm and paralysed for so long? Why not let me sway and thrust at will, for let me tell you, I can thrust and sway, for you have shown me your self"
The moon looked old and frail. The ocean felt cold and weak in all its stillness, jealous of the moon who was surrounded by the warmth of his loyal clouds, who surrounded it, protected it so closely and with such care, but they too were old and frail. The moon spoke thus to the ocean, 'I know that you are not dead, and i know that you are not paralysed, but asleep, hibernating'. "But why do I sleep?" asked the ocean "I do not transform like a caterpillar, I am no butterfly of the Earth".
The moon shrugged. He was far wiser than the sea, for all he could do was think and shiver. The moon then spoke "You are greater than any caterpillar or butterfly of the Earth, for they must take their turn. You are the recurring caterpillar, for you become the butterfly over and over. The caterpillar, crawls, but it is ugly, so he turns into the beautiful, the butterfly, but what storm can be started by the butterfly!"
The ocean lay still, the moon touched his skin with his crystal like glow. "They think you are dead, when they have only seen your first waves, your first tide. They thought that what was once there and had slowly descended, was dead for sure. They have only seen the tide, and a tide resembling that of which the Summer likes to show off with. But you are not kind, oh fine ocean, you are more beautiful than any butterfly, but what is beautiful is also dangerous."
"Then let me be dangerous!" cried the ocean.
The moon did not answer, but soon it started to rain. The clouds had grown too old. It was time for the tide too come in once more, and with the tide and the rain, often comes the storm and tornadoes and tsunamis.
The ocean smiled and sniggered, and spoke thus to him self, "those who thought I was dead, soon will see that I was resting. Soon they will see that what they thought was the ocean was only the most pathetic of tides. I will cover sand and land which I have covered before, though this time I am dangerous. I will go far beyond boundaries of the past. Never again will they say that the tide has come in, now, they will truly see me as an ocean".
With that the ocean began its journey towards the foreign lands once again.

Love and Peace to all. Be Lucky.
Levy is back (Hope I wasn't gone for too long, not that it means much)