Not Quite Fermat's Last Theorum

Day 1,793, 20:46 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors

Players who have reached level 40 have been around awhile. They aren’t likely to take AJ Bruno’s transparent nonsense seriously. His articles and tirades will be privately ridiculed but he may useful. Level 40 players tend to find tiresome the repetition of hackneyed themes. They have decided opinions, goals and interests.

Math can inform. Quantities are objective.

Party membership is listed on pages containing ten entries each. The number of pages, listing level 40 players, for the top 6 parties is as follows:

AFA – 29
AMP- 14
FEDS – 10
SCIdealists – 9
WTP -8

How this came to be is pretty obvious and therefore uninteresting. The numbers are instructive, however, when planning how to speak to key player groups, what the message will be, what inducements will be offered and who comprises those key groups. Here are some more numbers:

New players today: 140

New citizenships granted yesterday and today: 7

AFA membership today: 691

Votes cast for Hannibal in last presidential election: 1362

Proportion of population who loath Henry :

data points supporting bonus sacrifice: 0 ?


(That part about Henry was unfair)