No Real War... How About Training War? MPP with Turkey!

Day 826, 19:14 Published in Germany Germany by Bundeskanzleramt

As many of you know that Phoenix forces valiantly defeated the Croats today in Austria. I want to congratulate our allies and Austria for kicking out the invaders from their soil. In the end Phoenix's Plan B (Germany) was not needed. Therefore, I am signing a MPP with Turkey now in hopes for getting some training wars.

I want to say I am really proud of eGermany. We are united and strong internally. We are strong enough to be entrusted with such a grand enterprise in which the well being of Central and Western Europe was in our hands. We have gone through a lot and while we are not a superpower or a nation with a grand army, our heart, spirit, and will is grand. We are bruised but not out of the fight. We might be a small nation but strong enough to be even considered to have such noble and grand enterprise. Bravo Germany, Bravo!

Despite our determination to engage in such a venture was cut short, we do have a plan for action. While we must wait for another grand mission, as we speak, congress is voting for a MPP with Turkey in hopes for training wars. As long as Greece attacks Turkey, we will get action. Training wars might not be noble or grand as our entrusted enterprise but it is good enough to get what we want, better econ, wellness etc. I will continue to encourage people to go to Saarland. This is the only way for you to take advantage of the training wars.

As to the DoW, I want to thank Phoenix for funding us the declaration. It is good to have open wars with no battle that means in the future we have quicker action for military action and also to change both Phoenix and EDEN planning in the future. I also thank Donnie Bronco, BattalGazi, and many others in helping Germany to secure a MPP.

The war-game in Turkey is our solution for now. I am continue to look for long term war-game solutions. I looked at SOL but at this time we cannot afford it. Sol games will cost us about 280 gold in which it is too expensive at this time. While I am not dismissing SOL as a possibility, but it is not the solution in now. As we continue to look for stable war-games, we can have some in Turkey.

I want to also thank you eGermans who braved the last month with no war-games. I understand it was hard on all of you. Low wellness, low sales, poor standards of living etc. I thank you for your steadfast support and may the future war games in Turkey brings prosperity and happiness to us all. I believe the hardest time is behind us. many thanks to you all.

Last thing I want to discuss is that there is a Media Mogul program. Please read and vote for that article and subscribe to all of the newspaper in that article.

So in closing I want to encourage all congressmen/women to vote yes on the MPP with Turkey and to all citizens, lock and load and let the war-games commence

Konrad Neumann
eGerman President.

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