NLSP for Congress

Day 1,161, 03:18 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by NLSP

The financial crisis has hit The Weekly Prophet and the amount of articles has to be reduced dramatic. The redactor of The Weekly Prophet has decide to only write articles on occasion, cause a weekly edition was not profitable any-more 😛
(no serious, my exams are approaching and I have an enormous workload now)

But the important things have to stay important, and once again NLSP is going for Congress as BCP-member.
* He has some experience
* He is motivated
* He wants the best for eBelgium
* He is your best choice 😉

I can give you a lot of reasons why to vote on me/ not to vote on me, but I let you decide.
I hope you can truthfully say that I earned to be a Congress Member, and behave myself this way.
(PS: I still under-sign the so called Code of Conduct, and promise to give our Treasury my medalgold)

To all the other good, competent candidates: I wish you good luck
To the new candidates: If you get elected, go on the forum and act according our constitution, then your inspiring new idea's, that we need, will get a fair chance
To all PTO's: fuck off, search an other country to annoy

To all voters: Vote for NLSP, vote for the BCP! (coming up in Wallonia)