new companies - less companies

Day 1,270, 10:15 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

we got new companies and its easier to produce.

the second one is true though. and yeah there are new raw companies but we lost houses, tickets, oil and stone. all we can make now are weapons and food... and raw for it. and the new raw companies are a new attempt for making us lose gold. because you cant sell the old ones for like 10gold (the price they were worth some days before) no you just can dissolve them for 5gold. wow.

and there are new more efficient raw-companies everyone has to want because they also just need 1land, and working in them is like working in a small one you just lose 10health... but guess what. they are expensive.

im wondering... who will need all these weapons and food or is there a babyboom i havnt heard of?

what we need are new products i think, because there is no much fun in being a manager if there are just 4different products.

what about some special stuff like items boosting damage or abilities (working/training) for one or more days.

as the things are now there is much less to do than before and thats no fun at all.

and yes very nice that my house company is a shitty weaponcomp now, that one was hilarious.

waiting for something good to happen

english version:
because i am no goldbuyer and have no goldbuyer items only possible items are:
food (q3-q7), energybars, winter treats, weapons (q1-q7)

i only fight for profit. low quality weapons are too weak for COs. q7 doesn’t really bring more kills for freedomfighters and at the moment they don’t bring profit in COs either even if it pays 50cc/million in Div4
=>no weapons

hint was that q2-food had to be bought
energy recovery will use up the highest quality foods. recovery now is at 20energy and q6recovers 20 ->no need for q2food
(q5 food will recover 10 per unit and no need for q2food either)

energy recovery with q6-food however will leave a gap that can be filled with lower quality food
20recovery = 1q6 brings 12 with 8missing energy
40energy recovery = 3q6will bring 36energy 4missing
->q2 food can always close the gap that are multiples of 4
(same gaps would come with q3food but here the gaps are multiples of 2 meaning you would sometimes need q1food to recover all energy without gap

=>energy recovery with q6food will leave gaps of 4 or 8 when you recover energy. these can be closed with q2 food. (q1 would be fine too but is more expensive)

with knowing this the missing two are
=>energy bar and winter treat