National Summit - Dictatorship

Day 2,826, 14:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by AoifeNiBhriain

Dear eIrish citizens,

On day 2,826 a national summit was held at 13:00 eRepublik time. During this summit it was revealed that our current dictator, Don Croata, has decided to step down from this position. Don Croata will remain as dictator for two more days so as to gain another medal and donate the funds to eIreland. Once he steps down we will be appointing an interim dictator until elections have been held. I have contacted a candidate and I am currently awaiting his/her reply. This individual is both active and trustworthy. If the candidate agrees, the interim will stay as our dictator for 10 consecutive days so that he/she may gain the "Dictator Trainee" medal and deposit the gold awarded from this into eIrish finances.

An issue was highlighted during the summit: Our constitution fails to deal with a dictator stepping down. Therefore, this will be rectified asap.

I have been asked by our current CP to begin the process of electing a dictator.

As per Article 2 of our constitution, the following process will be adhered to as best we can given the circumstances:

Where the constitution will not be followe😛

I A. - The committee will not have been set up two weeks in advance for obvious reasons. The top three parties will not be appointing members, instead the first, second and fourth will be appointing members to the committee. This is due to the fact that Eire Aonair has become extremely inactive and has elected a 3-day-old citizen as their party president. This is being done in order to protect our nation.

As of the posting of this article at 14:50 eRepublik time on day 2,826 the 24-hour window of application is open to all eIrish citizens.

Until such time as the committee is given an org, please send your indication of interest for running to me - AoifeNiBhriain

Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach.
Power will have another day

Mise le meas,
