My First, Spam-ful Contribution

Day 2,750, 13:55 Published in USA USA by Jaden A.

Hi, all!

I'm Jaden, and this is my first, spam-ful contribution to the eMedia. I've got that final, horrifying mission to complete: publish an article with 25 comments. Oh, joy. I fancy myself a speaker far more than a writer. My perfectionism tends to make me obsess over individual words far too much when I write. I feel far more free and open when I speak, which is why I prefer it. I refuse, however, to ask any of you to support my article if it is devoid of any substance. So, bear with me, because I'm giving it a shot!

I'll start by introducing myself. This is me.

I'm a rising junior student at my university. I'm double majoring in Political Science and Philosophy and double minoring in Legal Studies and Classical Studies. I hope to go to law school when I graduate. I am pretty involved on campus. I'm the Young Democrat director for my House Congressional district, meaning that I am in charge of all the chapters in the area. I am the President of my school's Secular Student Union affiliate. I joined the Mock Trial team that is starting up next year, as well.

I live with my boyfriend of almost 3 years(as of June 25th), known in game as Phaedos, our friend, my dog, and his cat.

Phaedos got me into this game a few months after we started dating, but we both eventually got busy and lost interest. I'm out of classes for the summer with only a part-time internship, though, and I've got a renewed interest in the game, especially with all the changes that have been made since. Of course, when Phaedos saw that I'd joined back, he did, too, though he is not as interested in the social aspect of the game as I am.

I love politics in real life. I am extremely active in my state's Democratic Party. That's why I am excited about this game: it allows me to feed the monster that is my political addiction.

I'm also excited about my party/MU, SFP/BC. They have been extremely helpful to me as a new player with their Build a Bear program and numerous offers for help with supplies, technical problems, and game strategy. I am very thankful to all of them. They are also ideologically representative of my views on most matters as a leftist. I look forward to working with all of them!

I imagine that future articles will be far less centered on me. I would like to eventually get enough of a leg into the politics of the game to be able to use this paper to express my views on the happenings, but I'm still too new to have any original opinions on said happenings whatsoever. I will try to work on that.

Thanks to everyone in advance for helping me complete my mission and humoring me on an article with such a boring subject, me!

Ursa Fi!
