Moving Toward the Middle

Day 3,061, 05:55 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Get Behind the Mule (Mandatory listening)
Day 3061 of the New World
April 7, 2016

I've made no bones about the impetus for my interest in the SFP Presidency.

I want to see if SFP is interested in a slight shift in the direction of the Center.

I say, "slight", because I do not want to see anything change in the heart and soul of this Party. I believe eUSA needs a home for radicals and rabblerousers. I am convinced that rage is part of the very energy core of SFP. That is not what I am suggesting should change.

When I say "slight shift", all I am really talking about is a pledge to the membership of SFP that we will place a full slate of Congressional Candidates.

Please understand that I am NOT fond of blacklisting. With the only exceptions being the two most famous criminals in eUSA's history, I have not and will not support Blacklisting.

To me, it makes sense to blacklist someone who is a spy and has proven themselves to be interested in selling privileged information to enemy entities. We've seen this happen and Blacklist seemed appropriate.

However, Blacklisting a group of people who are using legitimate gaming strategies to effect positive change on the eUSA environment - even if such individuals may be wrong about the positiveness of their change - is foolish and a form of violence. (Note to trolls: I said "form" of violence, not actual physical violence. Find something else to criticize.)

Anyway, that is a whole lot about Blacklisting, but for a reason.

The political enemies of SFP wield the "Blacklist" as their ultimate weapon of power against what they disagree with.

And they can.

Which is why I believe there are only two paths SFP can take if it wants actual power in eUSA. (In a moment I will describe a third path - one that I believe SFP is taking.)

First, SFP could become true enemies of the entire balance of eUSA's population. SFP could regard BSP, WTP, FED, and USWP as the "enemy" and plot the kinds of maneuvers that rob them of all power. This would necessitate a total PTO of eUSA including, ironically, installing an SFP Dictator and defending that Dictatorship against the rest of eUSA. This would probably also necessitate climbing into bed with some foreign powers who are also currently at odds with the ruling class in power. As you can see, this solution amounts to a massive rebellion. It would be very interesting, very expensive, very taxing of our time and energy, very fun, very courageous, mostly nuts, and I am not interested in it at all.

Second, SFP could work within the current system to affect change. There is no way to do this without placing Congressmen on a monthly basis. We not only need a full slate of actively participating Congressmen, but we also need to be able to forge political alliances on key matters (for instance: SFP support for another Party's SoH candidate) so that our legislation does not simply fail without any outside support. This path requires a slight capitulation. It means that the manner in which we select Congressmen must change. Other candidates for SFP PP have sworn to run Blacklisted citizens for Congress. I honor that pledge, as it is allegiant to our current system. The shift toward the middle I am proposing is that I will pledge to our Party to NOT run Blacklisted citizens regardless of how our SFP Primary shakes out.

Why would I run a PP campaign that openly rejects one of the tenets of our Party Constitution?

Because we stand the greatest chance of unBlacklisting our people if we actually have Congressmen who can actually vote to unBlacklist them.

Because we stand the greatest chance of achieving other meaningful reforms if we are participating in the system that so many of us find corrupt. If a Coup d e'tat is unacceptable (and if that is what SFP wants, it should definitely not look to me), then a coup de vent is needed. And the gale wind I want to see is an influx of SFP Congressmen dedicated to reform.

I spoke of a third way - a path which I believe SFP is already on.

This is the way of noise. And I do not mean, "noise" in a negative connotation. I mean that we have chosen neither a violent overthrow nor the strong wind of change. Instead we have chosen to fight our battles in the Media.

Media is great. SFP has tremendous activity there. In one sense, you could argue that SFP is "winning" the media, though others could argue the point and it isn't an argument I would care to engage. My point is that SFP is a loud voice. We are making noise. Successfully. For a long time now. And our opponents are content to let us make Media noise. Because it isn't getting us anywhere.

SFP, our current path is the status quo.

We can keep tossing up lists of Blacklisted Congressmen.
We can keep publishing articles about how wrong it is to be Blacklisted.
We can keep reiterating our agenda of freedom of thought.
And we can remain powerless.

In case you were not aware, Congress was very close to passing a law that would auto-censure the entire slate of a Party's Congressmen if that Party ran a Blacklisted Congressman. I am willing to assume that those who authored and supported that bill would like to see it succeed and may be looking for renewed support for it - support that they may easily find if SFP runs afoul again.

As expected, you are being offered some legitimate choices for PP this term. Since I have chosen a controversial campaign, you will find significant difference between what I am offering and what any other candidates are offering.

I don't believe this election is about choosing a person. It isn't so much "Gnilraps" that I want you to consider. I believe this election is about choosing a path.

I am proposing a path that to me seems wisest for SFP.

If you disagree, then you will vote for another candidate.

If you agree, then you will not just vote for me, but I hope you will also volunteer to participate in SFP politics.

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