Moriya report - Our position on recent events. And possible competition.

Day 1,748, 13:31 Published in Japan Republic of China (Taiwan) by Rin Orin Kaenbyou

I'm writing this article because a lot of people has asked me why don't i support Squibeel rather then putting Hizaya

Well the reason is simple , by putting Hizaya i try to point out our neutrality towards political events . Moriya Jinja is a cultural party , and i try to keep it as such , if people don't like that , nobody is keeping you here 😁

So i repeat once more , we will not participate in politics as a party , individuals are free to , i'm not forcing anyone to.
There is an exception to this however , we will participate in politics as a party if it starts to touch our cultural field.

Politics aside , the fun part of this report!

Today in the IRC chatroom , there was some talks of organizing a Touhou competition , with possible prizes up to 1000 Q6 Food and weapons!

However we will organize this only if there is sufficient interest!
The competition will most likely be held for Perfect cherry blossom , Touhou 07. Contact me if you need the game!

If we hold the competition , i'm gonna hold a small competition for the Extra stage too , the highest extra stage score will get 10 gold!

That's it , i hope you will show some interest!

Rin and Moriya Jinja staff Hizaya and Rice.

Whatever effects my article has caused , remember its all just coincidence , my article in no way promotes supporting , or voting for Hizaya , and Moriya Jinja will remain a neutral party at all costs.