Moderate drinking (saa kommentoida 25x)

Day 2,839, 09:17 Published in Finland Finland by Rehtori


Yllä oleva artikkeli tulkittiin eRen sääntöjen mukaan tiukkapipoisesti spämmiksi, johan on! Artikkelin oli tarkoitus mm.ilmaista tulevan viikonlopun odotuksen tuomia fiiliksiä. Vaan ei kelvannut Suomen moderaattoreille.

Ois ihquu, jos jaksaisitte keskustella moderaation tasosta vähintään 25 kommentin verran, kiitos.

Ote säännöistä:


Spam cases include, but are not limited to, the following cases:
articles not related to eRepublik ;

transmitting any unsolicited, unauthorized materials or any other form of solicitation that ERPK Web considers in its sole discretion to be of such nature;
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posting material that is not authored by the publisher himself or herself;

posting article comments in order to advertise products or companies;

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The following actions ARE NOT considered spam:
lottery/betting articles made by using the article's Endorsement feature (notice that the eRepublik staff will not offer help with potential cheating/scams made by the author);

posting articles in a language that is different from the language of the country in which the article is published;

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creating articles dedicated to Winter, Spring.. etc (Seasonal) holidays, contests;

posting shouts with the spam content mentioned above under the Military Unit Feeds (MU Commander is able to remove those shouts/kick the members out).


Tarjoan pienimuotoiset pullakahvit 25:lle ensimmäiselle kommentoijalle. Kahvihanat aukeaa lukeman täytyttyä.