Mixed Signals: How we reinforce bad program features

Day 2,727, 16:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Now recently we all saw a new update. The dictatorship update and it was much hated and boo'ed at by most e-nations.

Now when I was studying 2 books was particularly fun : Principles of Information Systems and the Design of Everyday Things.

In Design of Everyday things Norman speaks of subliminal misdirection where basically an object looks similar to another object and when performing an action we redirect the action to the incorrect object. You have a laundry basket and an open toilet in your flat. Both look the same : one day you throw your worn shirt in the toilet😒ubliminal Misdirection.

So subliminal misdirection we want democrasy : But we throw our Country President in the dictator toilet.

"What teh Vark" I know it doesnt make much sense . Now do it! We want democrasy but we also want dictator hence Vladimir Putin ( in thick russian accent)

In the second one Principles we covered case studies of why companies become more successful or less successful after implementing a software update.

And there was this town in England in which most of its population worked in London so there was 2 trains the 7'0 clock one taking them to work and the 5:30 one taking them back to town.

but many people that did not work wanted a train to take them to London in the afternoon for shopping: The 12'o clock train.

Upon which the Train company send a train to the station at 12'o clock and recorded that there was no interest in a 12'o'clock schedule as according to them "There was not a soul to be found at 12'o clock at that station" And so the people that was lobbying for this change was informed - Why there would be no 12'o klock train.

in short the "we are idiots and cannot think for ourself that there would be no frickin people at 12'o clock at a station where there is no 12 o'clock train - reason"

Now it has confirmed that Plato has 4 braincells.

1 That works on eRepublik and the other 3 are playing pong against each other.

Plato version 2.0

Now people explain to me if you dont want a Dictatorship module in the game:

Why has 53 out of 74 nations Dictators?



Because you see people the Plato train has stopped at that page and recorded overwhelming support for dictatorship!

So to all those nations that invoked dictatorship!

Lion facepalm. he disapproves.. Even he's dissapointed in you

You see people when we are faced with a bad update and we sense that 100% of people is against this. We shouldn't implement it ourselves as this sends the wrong message. We simply should have boycotted it and each time some nincompoop wanted to install even 1 dictator the entire world should have jumped inside the defense and ripped the idea to shreds. Instead of being the


Pragmatist😮ne who acts in response to particular situations rather than upon abstract ideals; one who is willing to ignore their ideals to accomplish goals.

I'm not a thief, I am a pragmatist. I need this bread to feed my family.

Oh if we install a dictator it will take a person that wants to install a dictator twice as much. And then we dont have to worry about such pesky things as pretending we care about what the majority of people think

Zero dictators for a prolonged time means update is unsuccessful.

AND NOW THIS: The other 21

kudos to Russia, Ireland and the other nations that have chosen to stick to democrasy. that has thwarted all efforts to install an update they SIMPLY DO not BELIEF in. the fact that we ireland have no plan in the pipleine for a future dictator just means we belief in our ideals and will stick to our beliefs whatever the odds. Let them enforce a dictator. The Irish democratic ship will sooner rather than later just pop back up.

On top of the world

* credits to james o'connoly for the original concept.