Memoirs of the Unknown Soldier: Into Basic Training

Day 1,047, 07:41 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

September, Day 1030

I'm almost there. Today's the last day in my apartment, and then tomorrow, I head over to the Training Grounds. I hate giving away so many of possessions away, but they're just extra luggage. Anyways, I didn't even have much to give away to be honest. I'm dirt poor, so maybe working in this commune might also give me back some financial hope since I don't have to buy my crap anymore. It's all provided.

I'll have to find a way to entertain myself for a few hours, since watching the road in chance something exciting happens might not cut it. I sure hope I don't have some person with a six pack of jelly rolls sitting next to me. Well, it would add extra warmth, and maybe I could store some of my stuff in the space between his rolls.

But, am I good enough? Just because I am going to the Training Grounds doesn't mean I'll be enlisted or deployed. Many soldiers drop out due to the vigorous training regimen they endure on their troops. Last night, I had a dream where I was being discharged from the military because I was weak. I woke up frightened, and I remembered how alone I was. I don't want to think I am not good enough, but the fear of it grows on me everyday.

September, Day 1031

I had to wake up earlier than I usually do to catch that bus. Before the sun was awake, I was up and making sure I didn't leave a necessity behind. All I brought was some spare clothes, a toothbrush, my identification, and an old picture of Momma. Once I left my apartment for one last time, I realized how cold it was, but I gave my only jacket away. Odd. It doesn't get cold down in Florida.

The bus was large, enough to accommodate around 40 people. From the outside, it looked old and a little torn down, so I was reluctant to step inside. Inside, the bus was oddly neat and tidy. I showed my identification to the chubby bus driver, and I made my way to the seat. There were a few people on the bus, about half-way full. Thank Dio I had no one sitting next to me.

As expected, the journey was boring. There was no television, although the last time I saw television was way back. For four hours, I forced myself to watch the road, but the lack of anything exciting discouraged me. Every once in a while, my bus driver would floor it past some slow grandparents. Grandparents, I never knew mine.

I was so revealed to finally reach my destination, the Training Corps Training Grounds. It was a nice building, so very different from the Training Corps Recruitment Office. It was misty outside, but at least the frigid air had left. I was enthusiastic, but it seemed the butterflies in my stomach were having babies. Before I left the bus, I thanked my bus driver for his pursuit of happiness from racing old people on the freeway.

Shortly after that, I was directed to the Commons Area by a tall, slender Officer. By the looks of his badges, he looked very experienced. The most noticeable thing about his was his eyes. He had been crying. I could tell. I've seen my face in the mirror like that before. Was it he hit it in the eyes by pepper spray? Oh boy. At least the rooms are nice. I might be able to get some decent sleep once in a while.

September, Day 1032

Oh joy. I didn't get any sleep at all. How could I be so blind? They woke me up, as well as everyone else in my room, up even earlier than I did yesterday. All groggy and tired, we were pushed all the way to this big field outside. We were told to go bear crawls all the way from one side of the field to the other side. The last one would get no breakfast and have garbage duty. I didn't want garbage duty.

Nine other troops and I dropped to the floor. The grass was rough like sandpaper and deadly sharp. I got down and crawled as fast as I could, but my legs were not cooperating. They didn't move. That was the best time to have a cramp, wasn't it? I used the sole power of my arms to venture on, but everyone was getting farther and farther away. Then I looked up and saw her.

I remember how cold it had been the last few mornings. The clouds were a bit irregular and gray. In the clouds, I saw Momma. Her hair was gray, but she was happy. She was smiling at me, and I smiled back. That was all the motivation I needed. I don't know what happened next, but something took control of me, like something more powerful.

I kicked into overdrive and gained on my peers. They were surprised to see me gain so much ground in little time. The Officers looking on were surprised as well. But I won. I know that was just a warm up for the next days to come, but at least it showed everyone I was serious. I even got the biggest cinnamon bun for breakfast. Momma, I'm glad you're still looking after me.


What are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor and join the Training Corps!