Memoirs of the Unknown Soldier: In the Beginning

Day 1,044, 15:11 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

This is the story of the Unknown Soldier, through his emotions and eyes. It is written in journal style by the way. It was also a way for me to try my hand at fiction while helping the Training Corps in the same time. This is a series, and one I will try to stay devoted to if you guys like this one. Tell me what you think!

September, Day 1023

Momma, you said I was meant for big things, that I could do anything I set my mind to. You taught me the sky was not the limit, but the limit was my imagination. You said I was destined to be a doctor, a lawyer, or even a writer. Growing up poor, we had nothing, and today, I still don't have anything to live for. You told me never to cry because it showed pain, a weakness. I remember when we were sitting outside, hungry, I told you for the first time how I longed to join the military, that I wanted to serve my nation, that I wanted to keep it free. Well Momma, you cried. And cried. And cried.

Momma, you said it was a deathwish, that I wouldn't be happy in the military. Well Momma, I hoped and dreamed that you wouldn't leave. I remember that night when you were so brittle, pleading for the pain to leave. The next day, I was all alone. Why'd you leave Momma? Why? Cancer was your deathwish. Well Momma, I cried. And cried. And cried.

Momma, tomorrow, I am going to pursue my career. I will not be a doctor, a lawyer, or even a writer. I'm sorry Momma, but I have kept my promise to you since all those years ago. I am going to a Training Corps recruitment office for an interview, and from there, hopefully, I will join the military. I'm eighteen now, and the time feels right. But Momma, tomorrow, I will make you prouder than you have ever been.

Sure, it might be a deathwish, but hey, that's why we have medics.

September, Day 1024

The interview at the Training Corps recruitment office went well, but I thought my performance could have been a whole lot better. Taking the bus there, my stomach was filled with butterflies, so that didn't help. I had no idea what to expect, and the vastness of that building didn't help either. For the most part, I looked like a mess. My hair messy, shoes untied. Not the way you want to go looking for a job.

An ocean of cool air hit me as I stepped inside. The inside of the building caught me by surprise. It was bare and gray, except for some large propaganda posters with a white Asian eyed cat telling me to join the military that hugged the wall. I sure smelled like a cat. I wreaked. Great, just the thing I needed.

There was no line today, so I rushed up towards the interview table, hoping my makeshift enthusiasm would rub off for my interrogator, but I doubt it worked. He was an old man, a large flab of fat hanging over his chair. I dared not to laugh, but hey, I couldn't resist a swift chuckle. He heavily asked me for my forms and some form of photographed identification, which I handed over to him. A huge wet handprint marked it.

The questions he asked were simple. What kind of education do you have? How physically fit are you? Why are you fighting in the military? What is your motivation? The last question caught me off guard; It reminded me of you, Momma. I let out a tear, a small one, but it was there. I showed weakness, but I muttered my answer.

Hope that didn't cost me my interview. Only time will tell.

September, Day 1026

I've been accepted! After I didn't get a quick reply yesterday, I honestly thought I was done for. I was so excited after they sent me that email. I called them back to make sure I wasn't being hoaxed, and it was the real deal. I'm scheduled to leave for Basic Training in the coming days, and I can't wait for it to come. I'm gonna have to start packing my necessities really quickly.

I got a job, too! My application for this soldier's commune got accepted. Sure, I get paid minimum wage, but at least I get some flowing income. That best part is, they will offer me free weapons and food. I am so ready for this that I can already hear the sounds and feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and I haven't even done anything.

But I still need to pass Basic Training. Momma, I have come so far. I told you that I wouldn't let you down, and I will just keep getting stronger. My life seems to be turning around, and I know that you have something to do with it. When I am fighting, I am not only fighting for my country, I am fighting for you and what you lived for. But I still have this one question buzzing in my hea😛

What days do I get garbage duty?


What are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor and join the Training Corps!