May as well, eh?

Day 710, 20:57 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,

I have no better forum for game related questions. So maybe I can make up for posting my previous article at 4pm and only getting about 4 minutes on the 'most recent' listing.


High resource regions, they make land companies economically feasible. Is there any point to having more then one high region in a nation? Does the number of companies in a given region lessen their efficiency? Does having two high resource regions of the same type help a nations economy any? In the past have any nations swapped regions or sold them off to others when they had an excess? Could we trade a high oil region with Canada for a high diamond?

Do Not Resuscitate?

If I go away for a few months, say to boot camp. Would I be able to revive my dead citizen afterward?

Party time!?

As a freshly minted newbie I received a message from Mercurius100 proselytizing the AAP. So that explains to me the large number of AAP members(most of them would be more interested in the previous question). Past the top five political parties being the only ones that can be seen in congressional elections, is there any real difference? Do I simply use a party for a congressional seat? Why the heck are all these parties based on real life political ideals? They have no place here. Do the larger parties realize that in the last election with all the votes for their candidates in the fortress states, they could have won every other state? 400+ votes for one person, when 5 is a deadlock in the smaller races.