Make the most of the eUK.

Day 913, 07:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy">">

Picture this.

A dark, cold wednesday evening. It's raining outside. You hear continuously a dog barking, and the sound of a revolver, followed by silence. Trevor McDonald is on ITV news explaining how a Miss C.H Grant of haversham today rescued a family of kittens from a collapsing shed.

You're bored.

The computer switches to it's screensaver. The photo's of your holiday to the south of France with your family last year. You move the mouse, and look at your desktop. Age of Empires.. No. Football Manager.. No. Solitaire.. Not again. Internet explorer completes an automatic update and decides to reboot. Your home page opens up. No new emails. No notifications.

Your mind flickers back to a browser game you signed up on several days ago. A citizen, of the new world. You remember the name of the site. eRepublik. Am I still alive? What has changed? Several questions cross your mind. After a few brief minutes you remember your password, and log in.

You've lost wellness since sunday. You haven't been eating. You work. You train. You purchase food. Read the events page. Succesful Resistance wars. Donations. Whose behind this? You find yourself wondering. You check the news. Congress elections are coming up. Who organises it? What goes on behind the scenes.. that you keep missing out on.

What more can you do?

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

Welcome to King and Country, formerly known as the Watchkeeper, this is the Army's official newspaper, if you're in the Army or SAS, remember to vote and subscribe. If you're not, then you are doing it wrong.

The aforementioned Twilight Zone, is otherwise known as the Army and SAS. Here in army HQ, (R.R. Napiers mum's house) we need new recruits such as yourself to join us on IRC and get involved in the gameplay and community the eUK has to offer. I know what you're thinking right now. You're thinking, "I'm happy to two click and watch the world go buy..." well it's time for a reality check. Time to wake up and smell the Q4 Coffee, sunshine. Carry on like this and it's only a matter of time until you skip work. Skip logging in. Forgot about 'jimmykins2010' and lose 3 wellness every day. Two months later you log in, find Jimmy dead and decide to give up all together. Jimmykins deserves better than that.

What can tempt you to stay? eEnlightenment. Involvement on the forums, in politics, and most importantly the army will show you not only what its like to have a real sense of understanding in the eworld, but the experience the vibrant, entertaining community spirit that lies behind the cold shell of articles and shouts.

Trust me, I'm a Brigadier.

Unsure? Worried about talking to the strange people who lurk on IRC?

Have nothing to fear. In 3 easy steps I shall show you, how easy a transition period it is to get onto the forums and IRC.

Around 55 million texts are sent in the UK everyday. You send a message, and wait for a response.

Pretty Simple right?

Well, the forums are exactly the same. Chances are you may even get a response quicker. Simply find the relevant threads and post away.

Still following? Good.

Then there's IRC. Internet Relay Chat. I form of instant messenger, like MSN or the ingame chat rooms.

The Dream Factory

I cannot emphasise enough how great IRC is when it comes to familiarising yourself with the game, and getting involved with the eUK and it's military. If you're not at this point ecstaticly pointing at your screen shouting "How do I sign up" whilst your parents look on in horror, then I applaud your sanity. If you are, you should ingame PM Necrosis, he'll enjoy the company.

Either way, signing up is easy;

Visit our external forums, here and click on the IRC tab. Join the channel #army.public and ask an operator to sign you up. From there, you'll be given a nice mentoring session with one of our officers, who will not only be able to give you any information you need about how to play eRepublik, but can also familiarise you with our military.

Sign up today for 'FREE GUNS!' and of course, great company. Never be alone again.


Mr Woldy.

Awaiting your services.
(Does that sound dirty?)