Majority-Minority debate

Day 1,360, 01:22 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Daniel Parker

Konrad tends to overthink things sometimes is my experience, sometimes it´s just a matter of occams razor IMO. I think he is both in a pragmatic and philosophical sense wrong about the No Pain No Gain clausule. Please only respond to the practical part of my contribution, because philosophical discussions might never be finish in our elifetimes.

On a practical level:
I think in this case Konrad is overreacting, and that the No Pain No Gain clausule isn´t unconstitutional. The government or congress is allowed to make policy choices conceirning how to spend the treasury, that may be because it is deemed too riskfull. The NPNG clausule only states that if you deliberatly dont contribute (whatever that may be, it is still open), you aren´t entitled to state subsidies. This is a policy level decision, and not a criminal/justice decision.
I do think a person should be able to appeal such a decision, maybe at a judge... but generally it just involves paying your bills for a change.

On a more philosophical level:

A majority of congress decided for this, and I find it quite lame that within a few days of acceptance people who didn´t debate the topic now try to appeal it.
If people want to have a different lifestyle that conflicts with that of the majority, they should be focusing on becoming the majority themselves, instead of pushing their minority opinion uppon to that of the rest.
Some people find that injustfull that a minority should adapt to the majority, but let me ask them this: isn´t it even more unjust that a majorty has to adapt to a minority opinion? This is what democracy is, the majority decides. Indeed a majority can oppress a minority, but as long as group isn´t ruled out (on basis of their creed, religion, political affirmation) it isn´t discrimination. (gelijke monnikken gelijke kappen)

In the NPNG case it will probably end up in a libertanesque kind of discussing surrounding congresstax, and why people don´t want to pay for it. Here the majority can decide against the opinion of the minority that it is in the best interest FOR ALL, to enforce this uppon the minority, because donating it to your own group only serves your own group, and not the entire nation.

Adaption is a skill anyone can master.

Daniel Parker
Grand-Officer of Willemsorde (NL, Military valor)
Commandeur of Nederlands Leeuw (NL, political dedication)
Commandeur of Oranje-Nassau (NL, Civilian contribution)
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14x Member of Congress (13x NL, 1x BE)
4x Party President of Independent Party (NL)
2x Party President of Libertarian Party (NL)