Log 2: Changes to houses and overtime working & Q7 GIVEAWAY!

Day 2,492, 03:57 Published in Belgium Switzerland by Dooban

Dear readers,

Welcome to Log 2 of Dooban's Logs. As of day 2492, the houses have been changed and now serve an extra purpose. Having a house active nets you 'overtime points' once an hour, so if you have one house active, you will have 168 overtime points when the duration of the house runs out. You can have only one house active of each quality so that means you can make a maximum of 3 x 168 = 504 overtime points per week. The points do not add to your storage so you can save up as many as you'd like.

Further info on the >>>forum

This is all very interesting information, let's do some math.

One house nets 168 overtime points, combined with 1680 energy we can work 7 extra times. (It takes 24 points to work overtime)
A reasonable job salary at the current job market is around 40$
7*40$ = 280$
The cost of 1680 energy (in bread at 0.05$) is 42$
You will be left with a budget of 238$ for the purchase of your house.

I expect the job salaries to lower, but I don't think this will have a huge effect on the price of houses as it isn't very effective to work overtime unless you have a very decent salary.

Feel free to correct any mistakes I have made.

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The first 25 people that comment get 1 Q7 weapon. (send me a message if i forget/look over you)

Thank you for reading Log 2. Until next time.