Lies, Damn Lies & Statistics [Reponse to BB]

Day 1,191, 20:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Sean Power

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1. eCommunism is not just RL Communism in the game.

2. eCommunism is not oppressive, like RL Communism.

3. eCommunism cannot hurt newer players.

BB said : “This argument seems to come out of the idea that new players want the system of economy that we previously used."

eCommunism, as the sole system in a nation, can limit the retention of certain types of citizens. This is based on the fact that those who do not have an opportunity to express themselves in the way they wish, through building a business empire or whatever, will either leave eIreland or eRepublik. Basically you would be correct if everybody who plays and ever will play is an eCommunist or at the very least has no interest in pursuing a gameplay experience through private enterprise.

BB said “People advocating it offer little evidence that new players would prefer one system over the other if they had a full summary of both.

Well said, so let’s offer them both systems by keeping a viable private market running alongside community and goal driven communes. Eradicating one or the other limits our potential population growth.

4. eCommunism doesn’t hurt the economy.

BB said : “eCommunism hurts the greedy.”

But eCommunism puts downward pressure on a local currency’s value as demand dries up, cutting the purchasing power of anyone holding IEP. This is lessened somewhat by market price reduction due to reduced demand for goods. This loss of value affects anyone converting stored IEP to gold for boosters or perhaps to another currency to leave an eCommunist paradise which isn’t their cup of tea. Either anyone holding IEP is greedy or BB might be wrong.... you decide 😉

BB said : “ [eCommunism] is working in Ireland right now.
Last time I checked we had a mixed economic system.

5. eCommunism doesn’t hurt the government's gold income.

Monetary market adjustments”, along with donations, are said to have always been the “mainstay of government gold income”. In relation to the monetary market adjustments it seems that BB accepts that IEP can be used to source gold through the MM. However there are two impacts which eCommunism make to lessen the governments gold income in relation to this gold revenue method.

a) There’s less IEP being taken in through taxes to convert to gold. This would be fine if it wasn’t for ...

b) IEP has lost some value due to a decrease in demand for it.
Therefore there’s less IEP to get get gold from, and each IEP is valued less because of eCommunisms attack on the viability of a private market existing.

Donation based gold sounds p awesome doesn’t it. We’ve already got it apparently but we would be far more reliant on this element to source gold should there be an eCommunist regime. Although I don’t understand why a Government which has to beg with greater frequency for gold can be considered to have a superior economic system ??!

Random hot girl pic


Brought to you by: Sean Power