Leaving India

Day 1,943, 09:06 Published in India Ireland by Death and Taxes

It's the end of the line for me and India I'm afraid. The intention was to stay here for six months and assist her as best as I could. But I feel there is no point in hanging around because my contribution is of no great importance or relevancy. This of course, is mostly my fault as I'm sure I could have taken a more direct role in Indian politics apart from just getting into congress.

Before I go (assuming I get CS in another country) I'd like to give a genuine opinion on this great country and my experiences here.

The good news

I don't think there is a better country in eRepublik at welcoming any individual from any country or alliance than India. There is a massive amount of goodwill towards any activity, whether it's militarily, economically, politically or in the media, eIndians will welcome it enthusiastically.

There is a coterie of older players here who understand fully how the game is played. On regular occurrences they give sage advice to all and sundry and that helps enormously in terms of how the country is run. It also stops hotheads from making errors of judgement because they have the wisdom to listen to their elders.

The loyalty India shows to her allies and friends is inspiring and involves total commitment. Regardless of whether this article is trolled or not, certain sections of the Croatian government at the time can take full responsibility in ensuring would never fight for EDEN again. Since then, India has shown exemplary loyalty to CoT in terms of MPP's and doing things by the books. The fact that CoT threw out India's application is entirely down to CoT, not India. Something CoT should be ashamed of.

The bad news

In small countries - at least in terms of populations - you need to ensure that everyone has a role to play. You need to maximise everyone's input and you need to ensure that we all row in together. You also need to merge your military together and form a cohesive unit. India has not achieved this. I can understand and appreciate that a lot of the social aspect is on IRC, but this should not be the only medium of communication and decision making.

Small population countries are under enormous pressure at the moment because of the collapse of the economic module. India however, has enormous benefits. For a start, they are not wiped nor under any immediate threat of being wiped. They also have an exceptionally healthy bank balance. When I look at other countries with similar populations, I see they are wiped and/or have a desperate economic crisis. India should be bold and sign MPP's which they can afford and get involved in the wars of this world. She can certainly afford it.

There is a paranoia in India about a PTO. This is justified to a certain degree when you look at the population size compared to the resources available. This would be fine is the immigration policy was consistent, but I see the same trolls and wasters come back again and again to this country. A potential solution arose some time ago before I came here with the arrival of United Aggression. I have no doubt that UA would have eventually set up their own party and potentially contributed CP's. However, the paranoid reaction to this potential not only ensured that India lost 40% of their influence but an entire active community. Worse still, the legacy of this ensured that 'foreigners' like me were reluctant to get too involved in politics (PP for example) least we get treated the same way. For this country to progress you will have to start to open yourself to citizens from outside the country.

Lastly, the same coterie of players here who have the experience and the knowledge of how this game works are reluctant to take responsibility again. I can understand this on the basis that they have already put a shift in and why should they do this over and over again? Ultimately though, for this country to survive and prosper, they will need to do so again.

So that's it. Thank you for allowing me CS to your country. Thank you for your courtesy and respect.

Good luck India.

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