Just Visiting: eIndia

Day 715, 18:50 Published in Japan Japan by Myung Kei

Hmm...that space looks vaguely familiar

Greetings readers and citizens alike! Today I announce a new segment to my paper titled "Just Visiting", where the daily travels of my experiences abroad are cooped together and intertwined with Foreign Politics of nations abroad. Of the most specific, I will be talking about the nation that I am ambassador to, eIndia, and attempt to tie together two completely separate esocieties to relate to each other (Similar to Reiji and Snayke/China, but without the "hot diplomatic action") and to better understand one another.

"Sounds great Myung....but what is an ambassador in eRepublik?"

Excellent question! Like ambassadors in Real life, eRepublik ambassadors are a non-game mechanic (meaning outside of the game's limits) position which the "ambassador" travels to the nation that the person is to seek to form diplomatic relationships. For example, I am the ambassador to eIndia from eJapan, therefore, I serve in eIndia a link from the eIndian government directly to the eJapanese government. Since an ambassador is a public servant of the government who appointed the ambassador, an ambassador usually represents the current views of the government and the positions it holds on various internal and external issues.
It is usually improper and impolite to speak a double standard, supporting the government which appointed you, but externally bombarding it when lobbying in the nation you have diplomatic ties to. The same could be said on the opposite coin, acting generally nice and polite to the host nation's government, but being rude and draconian about the same nation back home.

"Okay...so after being appointed to an ambassador position, what is the first step?"

This is the part that involves much dedication, upon being appointed to your position, the first step is to find the best way to contact the host nation government...this could be in the form of newspaper articles, finding the nations private forums and setting up an embassy, or just striking up a casual conversation on the local IRC account (full detail of a nation's IRC accounts can be found on the eRepublik Wiki) of the host nation. Getting to know people is one of the key things to accomplish while being an ambassador to another nation, so if you are an ambassador, you probably will have plenty of friend requests coming into your mailbox from your host nation. But again, getting to know people IS KEY especially those in the host government, as they can tell you all the latest happenings.

"So, what do you do on a day to day basis?"

Here comes the work aspect of an ambassadors duties, fortunately there are several places that provide alot of help to get you started. For example, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave me a fabulous Q1 Elephant to use on my journeys in crossing the harsh eIndian-Subcontinental Rainforest to the congressional halls of the eIndian government:

As you can see, the government can afford many substantial luxuries for their ambassadors to travel on

Unfortunately, arriving several weeks behind schedule, it is quickly decided that I needed to upgrade my method of transportation, so I traded in my Q1 Elephant and paid for a Q5 Elephant in a local village several hundred miles from my destination.

Her name is Mobia, if you tickle her nose she gives you a kiss! Note the fact that I even have my own elephant driver now.

Just Kidding Silly!

In reality, it all depends on your initative to go out and accomplish daily tasks that fit an ambassadors role. The most important is to check the embassy often in the host country to make sure that all questions that foreign citizens, politicians, and cabinet members are aware of any situations and conflicts that need to be brought to their attention. If the country is consistantly active on the IRC account, it is great to drop by once a day, for maybe an hour or two to say "hi!" to the local citizens and make some new friends while obtaining the latest gossip along the way. If possible, bringing in a few members of the government from your nation into the host nation is an excellent idea, as the members of both governments can converse face to face. If the nation has a few internal problems (ex. players getting banned and the nation starts a petition to unban them) then it is a good idea to get invovled when appropriate (sign the petition). Also, don't be afraid to scan the newspapers, or even create a few articles yourself, they are vital sources of information!

In times of crisis, the first thing to not do is to panic, particularly if the host nation is encountering a very severe problem with another nation. The best thing to do is to continue to travel to the forums and IRC of both countries every day, and to stay in contact with your nation's government about developing complications. If worst comes to worst, the best way to handle it is to wear a smile and to continue to work to the best of your abilities.

"Looks like fun! Where can I get invovled?"

Excellent! The first thing to do is to sign up on the eJapanese forums (if you have not already have)here. Next is to select a current list of countries which requre diplomatic positions, choose a country in which you have some skils in the local language or might even know a few people already from that country. We have several diplomatic positions that just awating to be filled, you could be a ambassador from all sorts of countries in the alphabet, from Argentina to Venezuela! Don't miss out!
As one wise man once sai😛

"The future is in your hands"

On another note, I am accepting questions this week about eIndia on a wide variety of topics, so in the comment box below drop off any questions on eIndia you may have and I will attempt to answer them to the best of my abilites!